Friday, April 21, 2006

More details.

It took me a little while to sit down and get to writing this. I'll explain why momentarily, but first, let me start from the beginning... On Monday I accepted a job offer from Monolith to work as a QA Lead. Immediately after accepting, I tendered my resignation to Nintendo, giving them my two weeks notice, knowing full well that Nintendo was likely to throw me out on my ear. I spoke with my boss who, after looking into Nintendo's response, asked me to stay for the remainder of the week and help out, and then take a week off before starting the new job. I then contacted Monolith and set myself up with a May 1st start date. Come Tuesday, Nintendo's HR department has determined that Monolith is enough of a competitor that I need to go home, so I finish my lunch, pack up my shit and go.

So I wound up with almost 2 weeks off, which is great -- although it still remains to be seen if I get paid for both weeks. My boss set up a "farewell" lunch for Monday, so I get a chance to see everyone and I imagine that I'll find out the final word at that point.

What have I been doing with my days off so far, you might ask? I played through F.E.A.R. over the last couple of days, since I'll be working on the sequel. I also downloaded the public level design tools, so I can get a sense of how to work with their editor and be able to create some basic maps for testing.

I also finished reading Perdido Street Station, which was an incredible novel -- truly amazing use of language, and quite the story to boot. I'm also flying through Kurzweil's book, which is chock full of utterly fantastic concepts and predictions for the next 20-30 years of technological evolution. I watched Outfoxed, a documentary about Rupert Murdoch and Faux News, detailing the workings of the right-wing propaganda machine, and its undue influence on modern journalism in addition to its political leverage.

My roommate Cliff is supposed to be back in town today, so I may have to go pick him up off the boat, and Danny is also getting back today, with Speaker Speaker playing an all-ages show in Redmond tonight, which is penciled in on the calendar as well. I'll have to see if I can drag Cliff out there, but he'll very likely be too tired for that sort of thing.

Now that I've got the lawn mowed and it's raining again, I suppose I should also take care of a few things around the house, like cleaning up my freaking desk, where I've been living for the last few days. Especially since I'm liable to make camp here for the next week as well. After that, I'm going to try and hit my story hard.


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