Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Night #2

I slept a little better in the new room, and didn't wake up confused, so that's a plus. It's tough to say whether the fact that my shoulders ache is due to some change in how the bed is set up or the fact that I took the thing apart, carried it all to the other room, put it back together and helped Kevin move some stuff into the house. Regardless, I seem to be recovering.

Last night I was even able to bring in another computer, set it up and fix it in my new space, so it seems that there's enough room to work in here. Speaking of that computer, it had as many trojans, viruses and spyware components as I've ever seen on one system. Thankfully it only took me the evening to sort through it all and clean it up. My boss should be happy, and I should have a bottle of Jameson to show for it, so it's a win-win.


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