Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Higher Education?

My therapist asked me last night if I felt like we were done for the time being. It felt like Graduation Day -- not that I'd actually know what Graduation Day felt like, since I skipped mine, but you get the idea. I've felt incredibly liberated over the last month or so, and I was tempted to say "Yes! We're done here." but I thought about it, and it might not be a bad idea to check back in a month. She was so happy for me though, and seemed really excited at how well I was doing; how far I had come.

Temple called me yesterday, right before my appointment, and when I mentioned where I was headed, she sounded a little offended. I think it screwed with her world concept a bit, since she always thought that I've been a pretty healthy, happy, well-adjusted individual. It must have been a little bizarre for her to hear that I needed some help figuring things out. From an intellectual standpoint, she's right to be a little confused. I've never had a problem in that sense, always able to apply logical, rational concepts to just about anything -- but try applying rationality and logic to emotions, and you just get nowhere.

After 10 years of living in fear -- fear of judgment, love, self-expression, emotion itself -- it's pretty liberating to not really feel afraid of anything. Well, except for snakes. And marshmallow creme. And fax machines... Oh and...


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