Friday, February 24, 2006


So I had a post here that I put up last night, and I removed it. It was a little on the angry side, and I really don't need to be that person. I'm fine letting off a little steam, but I also don't need to immortalize it, so what I've decided to do is be a little more honest here.

I'm coming to the realization that there's a lot about Laurie that has always frustrated me, and that what's going on right now is simply indicative of the way we've always interacted. I guess I'm just having a hard time with the fact that what I'm asking is a very simple task, and it's pretty much the last thing that I need from her. Maybe that's what's causing the resistance -- seeing that absolute end.

Or maybe it's just that she realizes that not calling me back to let me know if she's taking care of the problem will get my goat. And it has, yet again... But this time, it's not eating at me that she hasn't called. I'm just tired of it, and I want to be done.


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