Monday, February 20, 2006

Beginning: n. - The act or process of bringing or being brought into being; a start.

Very nearly 10 years ago, I became someone else. I transplanted myself to a new city and took a new job in an entirely new field. I stopped communicating with almost all of the people I was close to, and acquired a full set of new friends. I even started calling myself by a new name. The old persona crumbling away like so much ash left over from the fire that consumed and destroyed my old life.

In addition to the aforementioned changes, I lost a lot of my creativity and my sense of wonder. I became stodgy and practical. Any happiness I felt was muted in shades of gray. Life no longer held the same mystery. I also stopped writing.

Change was a necessity at that point, brought on by the survival instinct. Lock it all away, or lose your mind completely. And while it can help for awhile, eventually the wall has to come down. There's an understanding that has to take place, and a willingness to be vulnerable again. Hopefully I'll express some of that through words on a page. Looking for more particulars? Go watch I Heart Huckabees again.

So it may come off as banal, but I'm here to continue my journey from where I left off. Wish me luck.


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